Meet the Pitts Family! Jaime is a dear friend of mine so when she asked if we could do some family photographs with the New England fall foliage I jumped at the chance! They ended up moving out west a few months after these photos were taken which makes these photographs all the more special. They highlight a time in their lives on the East Coast and how much their family had grown in their years here. There is also no fall like a New England fall I'm so glad we got to capture these moments for them.
The Pitts family might be one of my favorite families on the planet! I honestly mean that! These 4 brothers are the kind of brothers that I hope my sons grow up to be... fun, yet loving. I tell Jaime and Matt all the time that I hope Chris and I are as awesome of parents when our kids get older as they are! Their youngest is best friends with our Michael so Jaime and I spent many play-dates venting parenting frustrations and yet at the same time rejoicing in how fun it is to be a "boy mom." Seriously there is nothing sweeter than a muddy toddler boy, face covered in something sticky, bringing you weeds...I mean flowers.. and saying "I love you Mommy! I picked these for you" and than instantly picking up a stick and making gun noises at the imaginary aliens/zombies/robots/bad guys they are protecting you from.
This session was so fun! We raced. We made faces. We laughed and we got some great family photos in the middle of a classic New England fall! It only lasted about 20 minutes too...between school events, baseball, church activities and well, life in general, that was about all we could fit in before the sun set. Don't let anyone tell you that family portrait sessions need to need to be boring! I believe they should match the personality of your family! After all that's what they are there to capture...your family just as they really are only with nicer outfits on and glowly lighting that makes everyone look a little better! 😘
Come back and visit soon Pitts family! We miss you!!